Sensitive Stories: Navigating Dating Burnout as a Sensitive Person

Are you feeling burned out by the dating process or struggling to show up in your relationships? In this episode, I talk with Rebecca Marcus, LCSW about going at your own pace and:

• Caring for yourself when starting new relationships just as you would in every other part of your life 

• Not comparing yourself to others when dating and choosing the right pace for you

• Slowing down to process and reflect throughout the dating process to understand how you feel about the other person 

• The importance of honoring and speaking your needs with the other people in your life, even if they’re also highly sensitive 

Rebecca is a social worker in NYC who helps Millennial women chill out, get confident, and trust themselves and their dating process, so they can find and keep the love they want. Growing up on Disney movies, rom coms, and fairy tales about Prince Charming that showed unrealistic expectations of relationships, dating, and love only led to chaos and confusion when she started dating. So for a decade, she’s helped millennial women navigate the confusing NYC dating scene, break toxic patterns, and create relationships and a life filled with meaning and joy.


Feeling Unsure Even When You Get What You Want ft. Rebecca Marcus


Stop Looking For The Perfect Person