Simple Sleep Hacks

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Do you find yourself struggling to get quality sleep? If so, you are not alone! With the rise of technology and fast paced nature of life nowadays, it can be hard to immediately wind down the moment we get into bed.

Because so much is now available to us instantaneously, we often expect sleep to be the same. Unfortunately this is not the case. Our bodies and minds require some time to unplug and wind down in order for quality sleep to occur. Poor sleep exacerbates stress and mental health conditions and vice versa, easily becoming a viscous cycle. Being intentional about our bedtime routine can help to break the cycle of insomnia and disrupted sleep.

Below are a few sleep hacks to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep for longer.

1. Put away all screens at least an hour before bed! This probably seems obvious but can be quite hard given the consuming nature of our devices. The blue light on the screen not only interferes with our ability to fall asleep but also causes us to wake up more throughout the night.
2. Try writing down anything that is bothering you or on your mind from the day or for the day ahead.
3. Try reading before bed, this gives your mind something to focus on and distracts you from worrying about not falling asleep, which in turn helps you fall asleep.
4. Try gentle stretches, yoga and meditation. Legs up the wall pose and child’s pose are simple poses to help your body and mind relax.
5. Try taking a hot shower or bath before bed.
6. If you wake up in the night and have difficulty falling back asleep, get up and move to another room and try reading, stretching or writing down worries. Avoid using a screen during this time!
7. Aim to go to bed and wake up around the same time every day.
8. Make sure your bedroom is cool and dark and free of loud noises. This may mean using ear plugs, getting black out curtains or an eye mask if need be.
9. Only use your bed for sleep and sex.
10. Limit caffeine intake in the afternoon.
11. Try some essential oils such as lavender or thyme to help you relax. I often like to spray my pillow with them!


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